Hannah & Josiah

03/19/20 EVENTS NEWS

Novelle bride Hannah's story of her wedding day is absolutely amazing. With the wild fires threatening their planned big day, they didn't let it stop them! Here's their amazing story:

"Our wedding was quite the incredible story. In May, our little town 700km north of Edmonton was evacuated for two weeks due to a raging wild fire. We figured that everything would be back to normal by the time our wedding came along on June 22. Boy were we wrong! Four days before our wedding an emergency alert blared at 11pm informing us that the area east of High Level was to be immediately evacuated. Unfortunately our wedding location (my husband's parents' place) was included in that. We packed up trailers without wedding stuff until 2am that night in preparation to pull off a grande miracle. Four days later we had a completely new plan and pulled off the best day ever! A whole new ceremony and reception site was no challenge for us thank to amazing friends and family. The day started off as one of the smokiest days and 15 minutes before the ceremony the smoke cleared and we had a beautiful day. In the last picture you can see a helicopter with a water bomber bucket attached flying over our wedding on the way to the nearby fire- what a day!"


Photographer: @kayandflairphoto 

Dress: Willowby by Watters