Sarah & Tysyn

05/13/20 EVENTS NEWS

Revelstoke, BC

Novelle Bride, Sarah and her husband Tysyn's story is so sweet! Hearing about their love story, their engagement and their beautiful big day had us all giddy with excitement and we're so excited to share it with you. 


"Tysyn and I are three years apart, and I am the older one. We grew up in the same town, Revelstoke, BC, but dare I speak to a guy three years my junior? Heck no. We were in track together and lived two houses apart, and I can't ever say I knew who he was. We finally officially met in 2013- I was 25 and he was 21, turning 22. My girlfriend and I decided to celebrate that I had moved back to Revelstoke so we went out together. Tysyn and I ended up meeting at Revekstoke's hot "nightclub" because I had a couple of drinks and thought that he looked like James Franco, who I was obsessed with at the time, and introduced myself. We were outside with mutual friends and were deciding whose house would host the small after party and he grabbed me and started dancing with me like out of The Notebook. We laughed and danced all night.

The next day I went out for dinner with my girlfriend and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend had mutual friends with Tysyn and I sent my number through him to have him call me. He did. Almost instantly. He invited me over to watch Dirty Dancing and consume fresh strawberries from his garden. I struck gold! I knew he was the one when I was venting about how my brother and Dad wouldn't help me move my things from storage in Kelowna to Revelstoke and he said, "I'll do it with you, I would love to." I had known the guy for four days. He told me he loved me SOBER probably three weeks in. We were laying in bed and I could feel him getting shaky and then he blurted it out. It was a greater feeling than any I had felt before. I had exchanged "I love you's" with past boyfriends, but this felt different. There's no other way to describe it. 

In December 2014, Tysyn lost his Mom to an illness and it shook us to our core. Instead of throwing us apart it almost welded us together. I wanted nothing more than to help him through it and build happier memories together. October 2015, we bought our first home and began renovations instantly. We got our two dogs, Walter and Beans, in May 2016. Our little family was built. I think out of everything, dealing with raising two wild puppies who had each other to feed off of, eating our furniture and our newly renovated walls was probably the hardest thing to deal with haha. It was exhausting, but now they are three and it was worth it. 

December 2017, we head to my parents house in Edmonton to spend Christmas with them. Our plan was to go to the mall on December 23rd, have brunch, and Tysyn would shop with my Mom for last minute gifts, and I would shop with my Dad for his last minute presents. He didn't eat a lot of breakfast and didn't partake in our morning Mimosas. He just said his stomach hurt and he seemed uncomfortable. He then went and bought the ring that day. The perfect ring, with my Mom by his side. He never slept all evening after that either. He was too nervous that I would find it. On December 24th, my step sisters were coming over for dinner with their kids so Tysyn and I went to Chapters to find some last minute gifts for them. I guess we are very last minute people haha. He had an elaborate plan to hide the ring in a book but was nervous when the store started filling up with all the other last minute shoppers. We went back to my parents house and down to my old room. I left the room and was chatting away to him and he wasn't responding so I popped my head out of the bathroom and there he was. On one knee, smiling ear to ear and shaking. I said " WHAT!" and he popped the question! I instantly said, "YES!" and started crying. He cried. And then we stayed down there for an hour just hugging and crying. Holy emotions!

I know that I wanted to purchase my dress in Edmonton, I just was not sure where. In comes Google! Novelle was the one that ccaught my eye the best so I booked an appointment. I booked an appointment at two other bridal shops for right afterward too, just in case. I had fully intended on just looking and coming back at a later time to purchase my overall love. My Mom, my Nana and I walked into Novelle and were greeted by Jessica. She was so warm and genuine and didn't seem fake or like a salesperson at all. She asked me what I was looking for. I had no idea. I said I don't want strapless because I don't want to pull at my dress all day. I'm partial to A line and low cut but other than that....that's all I knew! My budget was around $2500, as I was not sure how much wedding dresses were supposed to cost. Say Yes To A Dress told me it could be from one extreme to the next so realistically I had no clue.

We walked through the shop looking for dresses to pull and Jessica pulled the Philomena by Willowby by Watters and holy WOW! It was breathtaking. She goes "I think this is what you're looking for" and was it ever. It was the first dress I tried on and cried instantly. You don't think you will but you do. We pulled about 5 or 6 more dresses and all insanely beautiful and I loved them, and felt like a princess in every single one, but none of them felt the same. Just to make sure, Jessica brought me about 3 or 4 more dresses to try on but nope. The Philomena was the one. I put it on again at the end and cried again. She knew me and didn't really know me. The dress was me and everything I dreamed of. We bought it that day. If you are wondering- I still went to the other bridal shops. The service was not nearly the same and the experience felt rushed . The sales women were rude also. Maybe I was annoyed being there because I already had my dress but no. I assure you Novelle was hands down the best overall experience. 

The lead up to my wedding was underwhelming. None of my bridesmaids lived in Revelstoke so I felt like it was all me. I wasn't stressed though. I was eerily calm haha. Not a bad thing! I had scheduled yoga for myself, my bridesmaids and a couple of extra friends the night before the wedding to help decompress, and hopefully to help me sleep. Balu Yoga in Revelstoke worked us for two hours and I felt wired! Oops! I brought my best friend Madalyn back to my house for a sleepover and I finally fell asleep at 1:30 am. I woke up before my alarm to pack up and head to my Mom's hotel room to start getting ready. Hair and makeup started instantly as there were eight of us, but other than that it was a lot of snacking and visiting and waiting. Better than being rushed though!

When pictures began it was a whirlwind. I felt overwhelmed with emotion but did not cry at all. It was a big feeling. Then we got to our wedding ceremony at the local High School. It has massive windows overlooking the mountains so there was no question that I wanted it there as you get outside views but no worry about weather. Myself and the girls were waiting outside to go in and once the music began for the guys to walk down the girls started crying and I started crying. I got a hold of myself and then I saw my dogs, who were "ring security" , and I started crying again. You don't think you'll ever be that bride but I was. I was excited to marry my best friend with the best people in my life present and witnessing. When I saw Tysyn and saw him have to turn around then it was game over. I don't know how to describe the rest of the day other than it was a whirlwind of emotion and completely overwhelming- in a great way. The best day of my entire life and I am so happy I have who I have to conquer life with. He makes me laugh uncontrollably and makes me feel like the most beautiful person who ever walked the earth. 

Thank you Novelle. Thank you Jessica. You have the best jobs and I am grateful I found you!" 



Dress: Willowby by Watters, at Novelle Bridal

Photos: Lucier Photography

Suit: Indochino

Hair: @bystephrup